Sunday, January 15, 2012

Park Fun

The Sunday after Trenton's party was absolutely beautiful!  We went to the neighborhood park and ran around playing all kinds of sports with GiGi and PaPaw.  We started with soccer, trying to teach Trenton not to use his hands.  It was some what helpful, but he incorporated his hands more than you were to supposed to.  Useless cause at the age of 2, I guess.  He also played catch with his new glove. 
After the park, PaPaw and Daddy worked a bit on the jeep.  Trenton couldn't resist joining in the manly activity.  He was right there with the guys, tools by his side, working under the car.  He even remembered how Daddy wears the head lamps when "working" (although he was not wearing it this day) and went immediately to the shelf where it was.  He had to wear it to "work" regardless of the bright sunshiny day.  :)

 Trenton running around the park playing soccer.
 Trenton--no hands! :)
 A little distracted by the tree.  Mommy showed him when he was just learning to walk how to pick bark off a birch tree near the park.  Now, he randomly goes up to trees and attempts to pull off the bark.  Sometimes he is successful and other times it is a worthless cause. 
Now he starts to get the hang of it.

  PaPaw helps him catch Daddy's throw. 
 Ut-oh, we've mixed up the sports!  Trenton throws the baseball threw the soccer goal. 
 Time to work on the jeep.
 This oughta do it!
Hmmmm, let me take a closer look. 

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