Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Trenton Turns 2!

Where has time gone?  Our little boy is 2!  It is so hard to believe!  The last two years have been the best years of our lives!  Everyday is so special, and Trenton continues to make us laugh and smile on a daily basis.  He is so full of life, absolutely hilarious with his expression/comments/moves, and just the most loving child anyone has ever seen.  Our lives are so much more meaningful these days knowing this precious little child depends on us.  We definitely feel blessed to be Trenton's parents!

 Granna and Opa brought Trenton a huge 2 balloon!
 Yes, I'm 2 and already a charmer!  He loves telling people he's 2, partly because it is his favorite number and partly because we've made such a big deal about him turning 2 this year.  He understands so much these days!
 The bouncy ball was the hit toy of his birthday afternoon.  We bounced it for about an hour straight, and he loved every moment of chasing it down. 
 Cupcake time!  We got GiGi's Cupcakes (a store) but ironically GiGi was also in town to celebrate the day with us!
 Trenton was proud of himself for blowing out the candle.
 He couldn't hold 2 fingers up on one hand, so he held the pointer fingers of each hand up to represent 2. 
 After we took all that icing off, he dug right in.
 Present time!  He is on a roll from Christmas!
The big reveal was Trenton's new kitchen from Granna and Opa.  He loves to make you food and push all the nifty buttons on the kitchen.  The stove even sizzles when you put a pot on it.  GiGi and PaPaw gave Trenton a roller coaster which he was able to open early and enjoy all over Christmas break! 

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