Monday, January 16, 2012

2 Year Check Up

Well, we had surprising news at Trenton's 2 year well appointment.  It wasn't his weight--25 lbs 12 oz (still in the 20% percentile) or his height of 35 in (still in the 75%), but he ironically had strep throat.  Oddly enough, he woke up and threw up a couples times before our 8:50 appointment that morning.  Thinking nothing of it and assuming it must be food/milk related, I was certain nothing was wrong.  The doctor said he'd do a strep culture to rule it out, just in case.  Whatever, I thought, there is no way!  He's had strep once before and ran a high fever and acted super sick.  Well, surprisingly enough, it came out positive.  This happy, spirited child was apparently coming down with something, but thankfully we caught it early!  You never would have thought it!  He laughed with the doc (as Trenton calls him), easily let the nurse swob his throat, and didn't even flench with the finger prick (actually, he loved the fact he got a band-aid and proudly showed it off.)   We had the best time in the doctor's office this visit!

So far, the morning had not been too much of an adventure for having a sick child.  Then, the tide turned!  By this time, Trenton was so hungry and thirsty that I had to let him munch on a little piece of bread and sip some water.  What the heck was I thinking?!  While in the process of handing of the prescription to the pharmacist, Trenton who had fallen asleep on the drive home from the doctor was in and out of sleep, began moaning.  Then, disaster struck!  My poor little guy not only threw up all over himself, but managed to get me soaked and made a huge mess on Publix's floor.  I felt terrible for him and the people around me!  And, we still had to wait for the prescription to be processed.  It was the longest 20 minutes of "grocery" shopping ever!  Some kids react differently with strep, including throwing up and not running a fever.  Trenton was one of those cases apparently this go 'round.

Two days later, mommy was home sick, and two days after that, it was Daddy and Granny turns.  We think it was a stomache bug on top of strep, with the bug being passed along.  We luckily never had strep but the stomach virus was no fun either! 

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