Saturday, February 18, 2012

Outdoor Fun

Everyone who knows Trenton knows exactly how special the outdoors are to him.  He is all boy for sure!  We often go on treasure hunts looking for sticks, rocks, acorns, anything that he finds fascinating in nature.  He sticks were an obvious favorite this day. 

 Trenton has his truck to put his treasures in, but most of the time he tries to carry each and every one of them.  And when he drops any along the way, he gets so flustered and just doesn't understand why ten items cannot fit in his little hands. 

 This, most definitely, is a Leskoven expression!  Tongue to the side of the mouth means you are in deep concentration.  Opa did it serving in tennis, Mommy did it shooting free throws.....and the gene continues.
 Trenton saw I was taking a picture and knelt down saying cheese.  Do you think he is used to a camera? :) 
 Trenton and Granna with bubble wrap, another fun item for Trenton.
 Trenton jumping through hoops. 

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