Thursday, March 15, 2012

Baby #2

Baby #2 went through his/her first photo session today.  Through a little shaking of the belly and twisting from one side to the other, we got this little peanut (well, not so much of a peanut anymore....a rutabaga according to to cooperate.  Although we took thirty-something pictures, below are some of our favorite 3/4D images.  The baby weighs about 2 1/2 lbs and measures just over a foot.  Everything appears healthy at this point, so we feel very blessed. 

Big Brother Trenton knows the baby is on his/her way, too, but to what extend, who knows.  He has acknowledged there is a baby in Mommy's tummy since we told him when I was 2 months into the pregnancy.  When I was 5 months along, he suddenly would stick his belly out and walk.  Opa and I got a kick out of it during one of our Wednesday afternoons at the tennis courts and playground in their neighborhood.  He just started running like that and saying, "Mommom, Mommom!" (That was what he called me for a few months there.)  It pretty much let us know he got the "growing belly" part.  More recently, he asks me to carry him back from the park by our house.  Our conversation goes like this:

"Carry me."
"I can't, Trenton."
"Oh, baby?"
"That's right, because of the baby."
(He pats my tummy.) "Hurt?  I know....doc....doc..."
Then I burst out laughing at his innocence!

He understands so much, and obviously, he attends my doctor visits to obtain this information that Mommy goes to the doctor for the baby.  It definitely helps that good ol' Granna is there to keep him entertained (aka show off her grandson!) while I see Dr. Street. 

However, randomly Trenton points to his own belly and says, "baby" so there is some misconception there, too.  :)  Regardless, we know Trenton will love meeting his new sibling and it is hard to believe he/she will make his/her appearance in less than 2 1/2 months! The day will be here before we know it! We anxiously await this newest addition to our family and know the joy he/she will bring will be indescribable! 

Boy or girl?  You decide!
Sucking the thumb.
The hands were up at almost all of Trenton's ultrasounds, and Baby #2 is no different. Even his/her fists and hands are adorable....yes, I know we are partial! :)

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