Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

We sure have a lot to be thankful for this Easter season!  It is an inspiring experience to share the story of Jesus with your child.  You can't help but wonder about what he completely understands at this age.  I love to go through our "Thank you God" prayers each night and it amazes me how he starts spitting out names of people or things he knows chiming in already.  Easter reminds us of the importance of Jesus and what He went through for us. 

Our Easter Sunday started off with "Cool Dude" (that is what we call Trenton in sunglasses) going to church sporting his new pair of sunglasses from the Easter Bunny.   He insisted on wearing them inside to his Sunday School class.  Trenton gets so excited about church--we didn't want to ruin his fun.  He feels so welcomed in the environment grinning from ear to ear as he leads us to his classroom, and we love this drawn attitude.  Church is pretty habitual at this point, and Trenton knows the routine.   We always park in the same area of the parking lot, walk holding hands with Trenton along the building to the nursery hall, enter the nursery hall and play with the bus for a couple minutes.  Trenton asks about the chair that sometimes isn't directly behind the steering wheel of the bus when it is missing.  We put on his anklet tag, which he strangely loves to wear and recites, "Oh, nice!" as you link it together.  Then, Trenton begins his run to his classroom and we follow.  It truly is a blessing and we are able to go regularly this year, unlike last year when he was not as accustomed to the atmosphere and leaving him in the nursery was such a tramatic experience for us.  Now, anytime Trenton sees a brick church with a steeple, he thinks it is his church.  He starts shouting, "Church!  Church!  Church!  I go?"  We tell him his church is by the railroad tracks and choo-choos (since we always hear trains while there) and that we'll go on Sunday.  He accepts that.

After the Easter service, we went to Granna and Opa's house for lunch.  Trenton fell asleep on the drive home from church and after a 4 hour nap (we still are so thankfully for his long naps!) he woke up and got to see what Easter treats were at Granna and Opa's.  The flying Buzz Lighyear was the biggest hit.  We learned that some squirrels had gotten into the eggs in the yard when we went to go on our hunt.  To our surprise, they were all open with some candy missing.  We quickly closed them and Trenton began to gather them into his wagon.  These eggs we made sure were stuffed compared to the church's hunt. :)  Trenton, of course, loved the M&Ms best.  It is his favorite candy.  To everything else, he calls, "Yuck!  No way!"  He kept asking for more eggs to find, so we would rehide the them as he placed them in the wagon without him noticing.  Delighted he would spot a "new" one, and run to get it.  It kept us laughing and him entertained. 

After the Masters golf tournament ended--with a UGA grad winning I might add--we headed home.  It had been a fun Easter but we had to get ready for the next week.

 Trenton walking into church with his cool dude sunglasses.
 We couldn't get Trenton in front of the beautiful cross, so this was the best we could do with an active 2 year old. 
 The cross was a nice Easter touch and families could add flowers to it throughout the day. 
 Trenton likes to ride a toy on the sidewalk outside the nursery hall before leaving for home every Sunday.  It is so cute! 
 Look, more Easter stuff!
 Daddy helps Trenton with his wagon.
 Trenton goes after the huge eggs that were decoration instead of the little ones. 
There is a little one just for Trenton!
"I did it!"  Trenton celebrates as he finds and opens a little egg filled with treats!
 He places his eggs into his wagon.  It was perfect since we left our basket at home. 
 Trenton loved the M&Ms inside some eggs.
 The egg was a perfect cup.
 We've created an M&M monster, although that is the only candy he really enjoys.   
Happy Easter, Trenton!  We love you, Granna and Opa love you, and God loves you, too!

1 comment:

  1. Trenton is so cute; love the pictures!! He was having so much fun; I love m&ms too! Cute wagon Granna! Love our eggs, a true find! What a fun day for all!
