Sunday, April 1, 2012

Potty Training Day 1

This was Trenton in the beginning of February, excited to try out his new Toy Story underwear.  Buzz and Woody are his heroes!  We thought potty training wouldn't be so hard but we were waiting until we had more time to devote towards the goal.  Now, the time has come.

 Day 1 of "real" potty training=Not very successful!  He holds it in bare bottomed, let's it flow with underwear on, M&Ms don't persuade him to sit on the pot long enough to go, and the new child/adult toilet seats Daddy installed makes no difference at all.  We might have a long road ahead of us! 

Judge for yourself, from 10 am to 6 pm we went through a whole pack of Toy Story underoos (7 pairs) and 4 pairs of shorts.  Mommy even went out to buy another pack of underwear because otherwise laundry is going to be running non-stop!
 He enjoyed being "nake" as he calls it and didn't have accidents this way.  Day 2 is going to be more of "nake" day for us, I think. 
Trenton gets the concept of underwear well enough.  In the midst of laundry, I hear "ut-oh....Mommom" and assume he has had another accident.  I'm praying it isn't on the clean clothes on the guest bed.  Come to find out, Trenton put on my underwear and it wouldn't stay up.  At least he got both legs in the wholes all by himself!  We did learned something from Day 1 of potty training!

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