Monday, May 7, 2012


Delivery day that is, and we learned it is closer than we thought.  Our original due date was June 9; however, it was bumped up to delivery by June 2 (at 39 weeks) to avoid a c-section early in the pregnancy.  At today's appointment, Dr. Street told us she didn't think we'd make it to Memorial Day.  The baby is ready and I'm already progressing.  Wow!  That is a little intimidating since it sounds like I will actually go into labor this time and not be induced.  However, it is comforting to know she estimates the weight to be about 5lbs so the baby sounds healthy in size.  Since it doesn't appear I will make it to my initial goal of the end of the school year (post planning-May 30), my new goal is May 24th, the last day with the kids and 5th grade graduation.  God has His plan, though, so we know it will work out to whatever is best for both the baby and Mommy.

I do feel relieved for our busy, but productive, month of April.  I am thankful we were adamant and devoted towards potty training Trenton, and that his transition from the crib to the big boy room/bed was so smooth!  It was perfect timing it sounds like, and we hope no regression takes place after the little one arrives.  We also just bought newborn clothes (boy and girl) preparing for take home outfits from the hospital and big brother presents for Trenton each day we are at the hospital that are wrapped and in hiding.  As of today, we got a move on the recall items from the baby #1 that we had put off since they weren't in use anymore.  We probably should have done this awhile ago--oops--but the pressure was on after today's appointment!  Regardless, the new battery for the video monitor is in the mail and the pump is a-ok. We'll use those items right off the bat probably.  We have almost all the other infant items ready for baby minus a couple essential items Daddy will get from storage this weekend (carseat and little lamb seat--definitely need those!)

Please keep us in your thoughts as the delivery approaches.  We pray the baby remains healthy and everything goes as smoothly as possible.  Will keep you updated after our weekly doctor visits.  Our next appointment is next Tuesday, May 15th.  Thanks!

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