Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kentucky Derby/Cinco de Mayo

Lots of outside time today and lots of sweat!  We realized we need another haircut--gotta get that this week!  After only 5 mins outside, Trenton's hair was soaked.  We had fun playing while waiting for the Spivas to come over.  Once here, the boys went off doing whatever boys do.  From fort play inside Trenton's closet to the sandbox outside, they had a blast together.  (We learned the next day that the water table was full of sand--leave it to boys!) 

 Trenton loves his bubble rocket......
 and his bug box.......
 and his t-ball set..........
 and chalk.............
 and his Mommy!  Daddy put together an outdoor toy box after this day because we are constantly running back into the garage for more toys.  It is from one activity to the next.
 The tacos only lasted a minute before the Trenton and Hudson were getting their fishing pole ready. 
 Then, they were back outside in the sandbox again.
A popsicle cooled them down as their after dinner treat.

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