Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

Mother's Day.  It is a day that has become more meaningful to me as I've gotten older.  I always appreciated my mom and did special things for her to celebrate the day, but now that I am a mom myself, I really see what it takes to be a mom.  It is even more special this May because our 2nd baby is due any day now.  Thank you Mom for always being there and sacrificing for us.  Thank you Brenda for constantly supporting us and traveling the distance to visit.  And thank you Kevin for giving me the opportunity to be a mom.  I absolutely this job--there is no greater joy!   God bless moms everywhere!  Ok, so that kind of sounded like I was giving a speech at the Grammy's, but I seriously mean it.  :)
 Mommy and Trenton
 Mommy (9 months pregnant!) and the baby-to-be!
Trenton comes to pat the baby.  He is funny.  Now when he sees a baby he says, "Shhhhh....sleeping.  Tip toe, tip toe, tip toe." as he tip toes around delicately.  At least he realizes you have to be quiet around babies some of the time. 
 We beat Granna and Opa home from church so when Trenton heard the garage doors, he ran to hide.  It is either like this or hands over the face in the open to surprise the person. 
 Opa, Granna and Trenton 
Trenton likes to drawing or "work" as he often calls it now.  He must have a pad of paper and writing utensil near. 

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