Thursday, May 24, 2012

Pool Season

Trenton and I were on a trike ride down to the playground.  Our president happened to be swapping the pool closed sign to open and the gate was propped open.  That was all it took.  Trenton was pool-bound!  I had to convince him that Daddy would take him later.  That boy did not forget!  The instant Kevin walked in the door, pool was all that came to Trenton's mind.  We enjoyed our 7:30 swim with some neighborhood friends, and although the water seemed cool for the beginning of the summer, Trenton didn't mind one bit. 

 Daddy looks a little cold!
 I think he likes it!
 Maddox and Trenton
 Trenton and Daddy
Bundled up and ready for home.  I think he is cold now. 

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