Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sitting on Go

We are sitting on go right now.  I over doubled in progress since last week (3 cm and 70% effaced for those who know what those terms mean) and am about ready to pop--literally!  Officially, we are 36 1/2 weeks.  37 weeks defines a full term baby so we are very close to avoiding a preemie status.  Although there is no concern at this time, the lungs are the organ still developing during these last few weeks of pregnancy.  We pray they are strong and ready for the outside world, whenever that should be. 

I'm feeling good and still teaching and chasing Trenton around in the afternoons, although I am having to ask him to wait on Mommy a bit more.  :)  Trenton is overjoyed to meet the baby.  Daily we talk about the baby in preparation and he seems so engaged and curious.  He is going to be Mommy's little helper, or so we hope!  So overall, we are ready, but the thought of going into labor this time and my water breaking--possibly in the classroom!-- is a bit intimidating.  (I was induced with Trenton.)  That part makes me nervous, but I am so anxious to meet this little kickaroo, that that emotion surpasses all others. 

Thanks for all the texts/email and checking up on us. Our next appointment is next Tuesday, May 22nd--if we make it.  :)

1 comment:

  1. You look so pretty Megan! Love the picture of Trenton looking up at you! He'll be a great big brother! He seems to love his new bed. You've done a great job in all your planning and preparation. Sweet comments on Mother's Day. I always think of my childrens birthdays as Mother's Day, certainly is a joy! We'll be thinking of you, blessings to you and your family.
