Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ferrill By Day, Probsts By Night

I've said it before, but we really do have the best friends!  So many families have brought us food, gifts and cards welcoming our newest addition into our family.  From high school friends and neighbors, to kickball buds and co-workers, we are extremely grateful for their generosity.  More time in the Wagers household is devoted towards these bundles of joys since we don't have to be slaving away in the kitchen!  Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness!  We feel blessed to have people like you in our lives, and you make the transition with a newborn even smoother!

 Mommy's teacher friend, Mrs. Ferrill, came to visit Bennett and brought lunch.  It was nice catching up on how summer activities were going for her and the latest Brumby news. 
Our kickball friends Dan and Karen came over with food for dinner.  We enjoyed hearing the latest about the Deloitte crowd and life in general.

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