Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Little Lamb Seat

It was a recliner for Trenton because it was the winter, but it is a lounge chair for Bennett because it is the summer--gotta love the little lamb seat!  Makes life simpler and the regular activity can go on.  We can take it places because it folds and is lightweight.  Plus, it supports a newborn from the very beginning.  (Yes, they slide down a little after awhile in it, but that happens in everything--cradle n swing, car seat, etc)  Bennett loves it and so does the rest of the family!
Bennett Boy!
 Trenton likes to slide the knob to music and vibrate.  Bennett seems to like that option, too.
 Playing on the porch.  Daddy got home and Trenton put on his shoes and danced around acting silly.

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