Thursday, June 21, 2012

Meet Zoo Atlanta, Bennett!

We sure have enjoyed our zoo membership this much that we renewed it for the next year!  Yay!  Although we took Bennett this time, he slept for the duration.  No surprise.  As he grows up, we know it will become such a fun activity for him.  Plus, he has his older brother to show him around! 

We had a funny story from this experience.  The pandas are behind glass walls in part of their exhibit.  Trenton was running up to see them eating their bamboo and I was ready to take a picture.  Then, smack!  The glass got the best of him.  He wasn't hurt.  Granna said Uncle Brad did the same thing when he was little with a glass door at the beach.  He went out to look at the seagulls.  Must run in the family.  :)
 Bennett and the flamingos are like two peas in a pod sleeping the day away!
 Trenton is obsessed with maps.  Which way, Trent?
 The monkeys were actively jumping around their cages and so fun to watch!
 We can't pass up a bounce house!
 Mommy and Trenton watching the gorillas.
 Granna, Trenton and Bennett watching the sun bear eat his lunch.  Trenton was enthralled with his paws and long claws. 
 We love to pop our heads through these signs!
 Roarrrrr!  Says Trenton the lion cub!
 The spray fans were in full force this June day.  Trenton liked playing in front of them. 
Riding Suri the baby giraffe monument.


  1. We have a membership too- we love it! We should meet up!

    1. Yes, let's find a July day and we are up for other playdates whenever too. :)
