Monday, June 25, 2012

Playdate at Schappelers

The age gap between Trenton and Erich has dwindled.  I love that!  Mommy and one of her best friends from childhood, Kristen, are able to hang out more with the boys.  We went to their house this hot afternoon and of course, boys will be boys, so we were outside playing in the heat a good bit of the time.  Thank goodness for the garage and shade and a sleeping baby!  Bennett cozied up on their bed for a little tummy nap while we exhausted ourselves chasing around our boys so they didn't get into mischief.  Trenton sure enjoyed all their fun toys and Mommy liked visiting.  His favorites were their blower and Handy Manny toolbox.  (We have the same toolbox but it only came with some of the tools.  Theirs had all of them and Trenton was amazed.)  See you again soon, Erich!

 Snack break in the midst of outdoor activity.
You can somewhat see the sweaty hair plastered on Trenton's head.  It didn't matter to him!

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