Monday, June 4, 2012

Welcome Home Bennett!

We brought Trenton home in the snow and we brought Bennett home in the rain.  You never know that Georgia weather!  GiGi and PaPaw brought Trenton to the hospital so that we could all go home as a family.  I highly recommend this--it was so special!  It was also nice to show Trenton how he is and always will be involved in Bennett's life.

Daddy brought the car around and Mommy, Bennett and Trenton were wheeled out of Kennestone Hospital.  (Part of their discharge policy.)  We slipped our little man into the enormous carseat, as it always appears to a newborn, and headed home.  During the drive home, I'm not quite sure what Trenton thought of the screaming baby in the backseat with him, but eventually Bennett settled down but Trenton was still just as curious about his backseat partner.  He definitely will be back there keeping us informed.  We'd ask, "Is the pacifier still in his mouth?" and he'd answer.  "Is he sleeping?" and he'd answer.  Trenton is the best big brother and best helper ever! 

That evening, Granna and Opa came over with a tub of baby boy clothes that we had stored at their house from Trenton. Although opposite seasons, we were needing some footed pjs/outfits and ones, which Bennett could still use at this stage, and knew some baby boy ones would be in there.  I think they really just wanted an excuse to see their grandchildren!  :)  Who could blame them?
 Daddy gets Bennett dressed to go home as big brother Trenton watches. 
 Our first picture as a family of 4! 
 GiGi loving on Bennett!
 Time to leave.  Trenton got a bit jealous of Bennett getting to ride on my lap (see the bottom lip out?)  Hop on Trenton and come along on the ride with us!  Two legs for two special boys!
 Carseat bound!  Trenton gets a little impatient when we have to reposition the straps before driving away.  Takes extra time on these little ones. 
 Bennett didn't really enjoy his first car ride, even though it was only a 10 min ride home.  He screamed and screamed in the beginning before crashing. 
Thank goodness for pacifiers! Not sure if we will keep the paci up, but he definitely liked it in the hospital and it was the best soothing device when milk is not quite yet available.
Daddy gets Bennett out of the car to carry him into the house.
 A little bitty newborn in a great big carseat.  I love the sailboat hat--a coworker made it for Bennett!  It was perfect for the cooler June morning.
 Our kind neighbors, The Smiths, tied a Baby Boy balloon to our stairs announcing our newest arrival.
 Trenton received gifts everyday from Bennett and the family.  He really enjoyed his marble run.
 GiGi and PaPaw bought Trenton a trampoline as a big brother gift.  This was fun, too!
 Granna and Bennett watch as older brother Trenton coasts around the driveway.
 He trapped Opa!
 Here I come again Opa!
 Welcome to our home Bennett!  This is your house!
Big crib for a little guy, but at our house night 1 is the crib. We were just testing it out when we showed Baby Bennett his room.  When night came, did great, sleeping 3 hour increments from the very beginning!  Mommy and Daddy LOVE this!!!


  1. He is just too cute! I'm glad to see everyone is adjusting well to sweet baby Bennett! Would love to meet the baby and let our boys play sometime this summer!


  2. Love the pictures! You now have two handsome little boys, how precious! Quite an experience Megan! I know Granna is in heaven with her two boys! The picture of Trenton in those scrubs is adorable, where did you get them? Cute idea coming home together, will pass it on. Take care, love to all!
