Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lobster Crave

I tell you, Bennett is such a perfect companion.  We took him to Chops, yes Chops, this week for our date night.  No work involved, except lifting the carrier to and from the car.  Some stares came our way as we walked in, but when Bennett sat conent in his carrier the entire meal not even making a peep nor needing to be lifted from his position, people realize why and how we were able to do this.  Bennett was wide awake for the first half and then dozed off for the second half of dinner.  We love that Bennett allows us to do this at 7 weeks old.  We never would have done this with Trenton.  1. Because we were too scared  2. He was a good baby, but not THIS good of a baby. 
The baby wanted lobster.  What else could I say?
Somewhere between moving out of Buckhead and kids, I missed this invention.  This is the deluxe version of a hand dryer.  What ever happened to good ol' paper towels of the old fashion drying machines?
 Bennett patiently waits for the valet.

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