Saturday, July 28, 2012

WPC Weekend at Lake

We had another fun weekend at the houseboat.  The Pittman/Cullom families joined us there.  We celebrated Cindy's 60th birthday while we were all together.  Lots of sunshine, good eatin', and smiles!
 Bennett chills on the houseboat.
After beaching and tying up the houseboat, the boys join their Dads on the shore to throw rocks.
Trenton and Chase playing.  Damian and Audrey join them. 
 Floating out back.
 Swimming with PaPaw.
 Fishing with Audrey.
Testing out the jetski.
 Kicking around.
 Playing in the "pool" raft with Mrs. Cindy.
Hutch and Bennett, the newest to the Wagers grandchildren clan.
 Trenton shows off his knight wardrobe for Audrey.
 Going for the jetski ride with Daddy.
 Playing in the inflatable pool on top of the boat.
 The newest form of a bumbo seat!  The grandkids wait anxiously for the grandparents to get back. 
 All decked out to celebrate Mrs. Cindy's 60th birthday.
 Trenton and Bennett
 The boys wore white representing Team Connolly.  The girls wore red for Team Under Armor.  Let the competition begin! 
Chase and Trenton had fun playing Mrs. Cindy with the photo sticks.  
We were able to transform Bennett's bandanna from his bib/blanket to a real head piece.
 Hiding in the kitchen up top for the grand surprise!
 Surprise....Happy 60th Birthday!  Time for cake!

 The kids play pretend skiing.  Riley pulls them on the tube.  Daddy and Trenton prepare for their surf run. 
Look close.  Trenton is surfing with Daddy behind the boat! It's hard to see with the spray of the wake.
 Trenton is ready to tube!
 There is enough room for two.  Come on in, Chase!
 Riley and Aunt Suzy get on another one for the pull.
 Splash, bump, fun!
 Riley, Trenton and Mommy ride one the big one together.
 What a beautiful weekend!
 Cruising back from being out all weekend.
 Trenton enjoys his coffee on our bed.
Uncle Ryan and Bennett watch the Olympics.  Bennett is sound asleep, and it looks like Uncle Ryan will soon be with him. 

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