Monday, August 20, 2012

Zoo With Rutkowskis

 We had an enjoyable trip to the zoo with the Rutkowskis.  The best part was school was back in session and it was not crowded at all!  Trenton and Carter were best buds, entertaining themselves, while the moms got to visit.  Poor William and Bennett were stuck in the strollers listening to us.  I don't think they minded.  :)
Trenton is obsessed with reading maps.  First stop, rhinos! 
 Trenton the lion!                
 We even got to see the elephants being fed lettuce! 
Snack time with Willie B. and brushing the sheep with Mrs. Agie and Carter!
 Bennett enjoyed his friend William, although this is how they pretty much stayed for the visit. Haha!
Trenton, of course, loved running around with Carter!

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