Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Night Lights

We took Trenton to his first high school football game this weekend.  Not sure of the crowds because it was the first home game, we arrived in shifts.  Opa and Kevin got up there an hour before to get good seats.  We were afraid of being too high up on the concrete bleachers with Trenton, our little monkey.  Just before kickoff, Trenton and I arrived.  Granna and Bennett dropped us off thankfully so it was an easy experience.  The timing couldn't have been better.  I think he was impressed with all the activity, so he was eager to sit down once we got to our seats on the 2nd row--way to go guys!  From the get go, he was chanting along with the crowds.  His favorite was "Defense!" which was yelled whether or not the other team had the ball.  (Give him a break; he's 2!)  He got so excited everytime we scored, too, and clapped intensively right along with everyone around him.  Lassiter's games are so much more than they used to be when I was there twelve years ago!  Partner tents and businesses set up around the perimeter, turf to play on, a jumbo-tron under the scoreboard, a million cheerleaders and a gazillion football players.  I think they dress out any boy who can say the word football!  The biggest sponsor, Chick-fil-a, goes all out for the games....blow up enormous cows in the endzone, mascots dancing everywhere, toys blasted into the stadium.  Needless to say, that also kept his interested.  Trenton was thrilled when he got a cow from them.  Although he was climbing all over the three of us, he lasted in the bleachers for the entire 1st quarter.  And since the score was 28-0 at this point (woot-woot!), we became a little more lax for the rest of the game.  One would take him to the concession stand, walk with him along the fence in front of the student section, showed him off to the cheerleaders, but his new found love was running under the portable bleachers that were brought in for additional seating.  It was like a maze for him.  The other parent was able to enjoy the game with Opa.  By 4th quarter, the score was 50 something to 7.  We decided we're going to win.  :)  So, we walked back to Granna and Opa's house, a mile down the road, with Trenton lighting the sidewalk with his flashlight as we pushed him in the stroller.  

LHS's team is really talented.  Numerous players have offers at D-1 schools.  It will be neat to see if anyone makes it big and Trenton can say he saw them play in high school. 

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