Friday, September 21, 2012

He Woke Up!

From the first moment Trenton wakes up in the morning, he asks about baby.  He is curious if he is up or downstairs yet.  Most of the time, Bennett is still asleep, so Trenton recites, "Oh, he's in his crib."  We proceed with our day.  However, whenever Bennett does wake up.....morning or naps.....Trenton wants to be the first to see him.  He urges you to wait and explains that he will get baby.  I think Bennett likes it.  His eyes catch Trenton as he enters the room and he instantly coos, smashes his head face first into the mattress in delight, and pulls back up with his enormous smile.  Trenton reaches his tiny arms through the rails and pats his brother saying, "Hi baby, hi baby!" as I open the blinds.  For this reason, we have left the bumpers off the crib.  It was a hard decision: 1.  They are cute paisley 2.  Trenton absolutely adored the bumpers!  He nestled himselves against them in comfort often.  Nonetheless, I like Trenton's eagerness to help and his sheer joy at getting Bennett up that I think this is how we will leave it.
 Bennett peers through the rails at his big brother who runs into the room to get him up. 
 Tummy sleepers have strong necks.  Bennett likes this position when he wakes up in the crib.  I love seeing his little eyes staring at the video camera.  I think he is in awe of the small green light and it draws his attention. 
Trenton moves his light weight stoll from the crib to the changing station to help.  Actually, he carries that thing all over the upstairs.  It's most popular place is certainly Bennett's room, though. 

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