Friday, September 28, 2012

Movie Night

It's movie night!  This is better than those drive-ins our parents used to take us to.  Pull out lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy the movie in the fresh autumn air.  The Lorax was a hit!
 Some of the kids lined up for the show. 
As soon as the parents started taking pictures, Trenton began shouting, "Get baby!  Get baby!  I can't hold him!" and slowly leaning backward.  All the while, his arms never let go of his precious little brother.  We managed to snap a few quickily.  Trenton is used to sitting on a sofa or chair where there is something behind him propping him up.  That baby brother is a load!  It was hilarious!
 Light up balloons, glue sticks, and flashlights were big hits among the kids.
 Trenton was so into the movie!  He didn't move for the first hour. 
 Watching the show on the big screen really caught his attention.  He tends to like all animated shows at this age, I guess.
 When the music came on at the end, he ran for the screen.
Other kids soon joined him dancing up front. 

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