Wednesday, September 12, 2012


The one bad thing about thinking you are going to move and then not moving is you pack up so much stuff getting your house ready to go on the market.  At least that is what we did, and then, you take it off the market months later but don't really want to unpack all your stuff because you've managed to go without it for all this time.  That is what happened to us, so tons (especially baby stuff!) was in our storage unit.  So far, we've been able to find everything we need for Bennett except for the activity mat.  We have been looking for that for months!  Luckily, my high school friends let us borrow them.  Now we have one at our house and one at my parents' house.  Bennett is the perfect age for it because he reaches for the toys dangling and the lights or sound catch his attention.  His older brother likes them, too, and plays with the characters.  He's usually the monkey and then he wants you to be any other animal.  What a good imagination Trenton has!
Bennett is enthralled with the activity on playmat.
Trenton is pretty engaged in its fun, too! 

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