Monday, September 17, 2012

Rain, Rain You May Stay

We actually had a blast this rainy day.  That is, after we returned from lunch with Daddy and took our naps.  Lunch was a bit of a disaster.  Trenton and an office don't mix.  He was loud and running around saying, "Get me Daddy, get me!" like they were playing in the park.  Kevin said there was probably going to be an email saying you can't bring your kids to work after our experience.  LOL!  When we finally got out of there, you think it would be fine.  But, Kevin had a two year old crawling all over him during our lunch.  I think he usually likes his breaks and peaceful lunches.  Needless to say, I don't think we will be invited back until the kids are older. 

The rest of the day was great!  We set up Bennett's bouncy seat on the porch, played and then watched Trenton prance around in the rain.  We love our front porch, that's for sure!
Trenton likes to help Bennett play in the seat. He bounces him and always makes sure the vibration is turned on.
 Bennett loves chillin' outside in this thing.  Seriously, all the activity around him keeps him engaged.  His eyes dart from one thing to another (or he follows Trenton or me) whenever he isn't playing with his toys.
 We were so proud of Bennett.  Today he pulled the frog all by himself causing it to sing a lullaby.
Trenton loved wearing his rain boots and opening up his frog umbrella to play in the rain.

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