Sunday, September 9, 2012


We had our first taste of Autumn this morning.  The cool temperatures inticed us to go play outside before church.  It started with a neighborhood walk but ended with driveway playing.  We loved the fresh, brisk air.  Apparently worms like the cooler weather, too, because we found a friend.  We named him Slimey.  I didn't think Trenton would catch on that I took the name from the worm on Sesame Street since we hardly watch that show, but then after a few seconds he asked, "Where's Oscar?"  Slimey was Oscars' friend in the garbage can.  He's always thinking!  Needless to say, we found several more worms that morning and Slimey had a family. 
I love how he is not one bit afraid to pick that sucker up.  In all honesty, he was rather amazed by him.
Rylan was on a walk with his mom and brother, so we ran to show off our newest find.  I don't think he liked him as much as Trenton did.  :)

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