Saturday, September 22, 2012

U-Pick Apples

Fall is officially here.  To kick off the season, we drove to the Blue Ridge Mountins for u-pick apples at Mercier.  Gilmer County is know for the best apples in the state, and we agree!  From Ambrosia to Jonagold to Mutzu, there were so many favorites.  We enjoyed sampling them and bringing home numerous variations to fill house.  They were delicious snacks to have around the house all week long.   

Being the big boy Trenton is, he announced in the middle nowhere on 575 that he had to pee.  Great, we rushed to the nearest exit and prayed he wouldn't have an accident.  We were pleasantly surprise to find this pig at the gas station.  Trenton sure got a kick out of it! 
Trenton pretends on the indoor tractor before we head out to the orchards.
The tractor pulls us through the grounds out to the apple trees.  Bennett was a little more content on this ride.  Trenton was ready to run around after standing in line to get on.
Picking apples as a family.
Granna gives Trenton a boost to get a good one high up.  We kept having to tell Trenton that the ground apples were yucky and not to get those for the bag.
He eventually got the hang of it and would pick one off the tree and ask us if it was a good one. 
He had a great time participating in the u-pick, as did the rest of us.
Bennett was awake for a stretch of the picking, then slept the rest of the time in the bjorn.
The apples were so plentiful.  It was a gorgeous sight!
Soon the sampling began......
and continued......
 and continued........
 We had to make sure we were getting only the best!  And with all the different types of apples, the sampling helped us know the flavors we enjoyed the best! 
 Our legs were tired.  Our bags were full.

It was time to go home. 

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