Thursday, September 27, 2012

Zoo....Take 10

I literally think we have been to the zoo at least 10 times, or more!  We are going on our 2nd year of a membership (which we love!) and somehow, it never gets boring.  We love it there.  I actually told Trenton tonight (it is Sunday as I upload and post this blog from last week) when I tucked him into bed that it was going to be a rainy day tomorrow so Bennett, Mommy and him were going to play around the house.  He responded, "Ok, then can we go to the zoo?"  Another day, honey, I promise! 
 Trenton always reads the map for us no matter where we explore.
 He is allowed to sit on the end of the stroller to hop on and off at the zoo.  He loves this!  Smart, huh?
 The lemurs were extremely active this trip and tons of fun to watch. 
Bennett might not see the animals quite yet, but he loves watching the leaves above him.  He gazes happily up on the stroller ride.
Our zoo has a wonderful gorilla exhibit with gorillas of all ages.  This is the mommy/baby and one silver back one.  The other grouping is called the bachelors and it's with younger males, and then there are some separated silver backs around the corner, too.
This 1 1/2 year old girl was cracking us up as she climbed wildly around.  (Notice the mother in the background who won't let her 2 year old boy out of reach!)  Different parenting styles, no?
Then after swinging, the baby girl gorillas hop on her Mama's leg for a little ride.  I got an ear full from a bystander, who I later found out was an out of uniform volunteer, that it is odd to carry babies like this.  Usually they are on the mom's back, but this baby has always travel via the leg. She was the one that also filled me in on the various caretaking styles of the mothers. 
Granna and Bennett watch Trenton crawl through the Naked Mole Rat playground. 
 Cho-Cho....all aboard!
 Oh, another new found love was the seesaw.  He joined right in the fun with the APS field trip kids. 
And he loved it!!!!

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