Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Bennett 4 Months

Bennett is advancing before our eyes.  Those hands and legs are just a-working every waking second.  His reflexes crack you up.  His smile is contagious.   His grip isn't easy to release.  He's our baby boy who is not so much of a newborn anymore.  Sad! 

We should be having our 4 month well visit at this point.  But, like many other mothers, you become a little relaxed with the second child and somehow, you seem to fall behind schedule.  (You have to wait 2 months in between vaccinations.)  Our vacations and a cold in August were our true culprits.  So, we go the first week in November when he is actually 5 months old. His unofficial weight is 15 1/2 pounds.  We did the hop on the scale with the baby.  Hop on the scale without the baby and then do a little math.  Don't know about the height, and I think he is following in the same route as Trenton with head circumference.  I ordered him a 6-12 month hat off Etsy based on his 16 in head circumference already.  What can I say?  We never doubted our boys would be smart!  :)

Here are a few more tidbits about Bennett at this stage.
1.  He always has a blonde strand of hair in his fist thanks to his killer grip.
2.  He just started sleeping 8-10 hour stretches at night.
3.  He likes to gnaw and suck on your hand or fingers.  (Choppers must be on their way!)
4.  He faces outward in the bjorn now that his neck is strong enough.  This is great because he loves watching what is going on around him.
5.  He belly laughs when you kiss his neck or tickle his ribs.
6.  He LOVES his Mommy and it's obvious.  (Hope he later doesn't have separation anxiety!) But, he is very content with others, too, so he may just follow down the same social butterfly path as Trenton. 
 Bennett a little distracted by the ceiling fan in our photo shoot. :)
 If you can't tell how happy this baby is, you're missing something!  He makes being his Mommy fun and easy!
 How does a flamingo stand, Bennett?  That's right.   Harvard, beware! :)
 Brother picture.  We are both growing up too fast for Mommy!

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