Friday, October 12, 2012

Child-proof at its Finest

As we were upstairs one day, Trenton told me he was hungry and wanted some goldfish.  He beat me downstairs and I came to find him like this. 
That little stinker had pushed a chair from the kitchen table across the room to the refrigerator to get them.  Ok, Trenton, I may be short, but not that short.  (He didn't like it one bit when I just reached up for them while standing on the ground.  I had to actually climb and stand on the chair to make him happy.)   Then, I found this as he explained to me that he unlocked the door. 
Child-proof my butt!  We had recently taken the door handle off his bedroom door (we were first fearful of our wooden stairs when we had initially moved him to the big boy bed) but he no longer needed it upstairs.  He managed to undo this one and take it off the door which led to the garage. 
Oh yeah, and he can reach the garage door opener on his tippy-toes.  What have we gotten ourselves into?!

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