Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hiking Kennesaw Mountain

There's nothing quite like hiking in the fall.  The cooler temps and colorful foliage make it absolutely beautiful.  We were glad to take GiGi and PaPaw on this hike with us.  Of course, we didn't bring Trenton's pack because he typically likes to walk.  But the minute you do that, he wants to be carried.  He got a ride on PaPaw and Daddy's shoulders (or their arms) for most of the hike, and they got in an even better workout than they ever imagined.  However, Trenton sure had enough energy to climb and run around when we came to sections with boulders.  Isn't that ironic?  I will say, he did fall asleep almost immediately when we started our descend down the mountain so he really was serious when he told us he was tired.  We both carried sleeping children down the mile hike.   

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