Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Roll Over, Roll Over

Leave it to Bennett to perform his first big trick while I'm out at a girls' lunch!  Daddy said he went to pick him up and vuala, he rolled right over in front of his very eyes.  Mommy got a text that said, "I showed off my new trick to Daddy!"  Mommy's responses was, "What new trick?"  Great, I seriously leave the little guy alone for two hours and he's rolled over!  No worries, he's continued the trick all week.  The problem is, he gets to his back and he's stuck.  Sometimes this leads to an unhappy baby screaming for someone to help him back over to his stomach or get him up. Bennett, Bennett, Bennett, we are going to have to practice rolling from our back to stomach.   (I'm not a back sleeper either, Ben, so I don't blame you for screaming!) 
Love the video cameras!  One sound and you instantly can see the issue.  He rolled over and is awake, but happily staring at the camera. 
 Not for long!  Mommy, put down that camera and come get me!  I'm stuck on my back and I don't like it one bit!
Oh, there you are.  Will you get me out of here?!

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