Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Car Seat Nap

Bennett didn't take a long afternoon nap today and was exhausted when I picked him up.  He instantly fell asleep on the drive home from Ms. Buckler's house, and I knew we needed to keep him asleep a little longer.  Trenton easily stays asleep after falling asleep in the car.  He doesn't have a loud older brother to wake him up.  :)  However, Bennett almost always wakes in full alert because of the loud toddler playing around him.  Even when I ask Trenton to be quiet, which he can manage to do, his energy catches Bennett's eye.  So, my plan this afternoon was to take Bennett straight to his room before even getting Trenton unbuckled.  I left Bennett in his car seat and positioned the video monitor on him.  It was a short nap--only 20 mins probably--but he needed that power nap.  Trenton thought it was funny that he was sleeping this way.

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