Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fall Fun

With Daddy off and home with us, we decided to have a little fun outdoors this weekend before the cold strikes again.  We really needed to get rid of our pumpkins since it was approaching the end of November; however, they were in good condition.  So, Mommy put a little pinterest into action again.  I don't think Bennett was too excited about being inside the pumpkin--oh well, he was a trooper and I got a cute picture before the screams.  We also were able to play in the leaf some more this weekend.  Our neighbor across the street had his entire yard covered with leaves.  We took full advantage of that opportunity!
Trenton tells Bennett to look at the camera.  Funny thing is, Trenton is the one who is usually not looking!  He's giving Bennett some unneeded assistance when he is the child needing it! Go figure! 
 Daddy and his boys and then on to the pumpkin fun!  Bennett looks so cute! 
 I don't think he knows quite what to think at first.
 Then he realize it.  Get me out of this pumpkin!
 There is nothing better than leaves in the fall!

Daddy would hide behind their sign.....
and jump out to throw leaves on Trenton!  He loved it!

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