Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bennett 6 Months

Beau Bear had his half birthday this month.  I CANNOT believe he is 6 months!!!  He's steadily progressing along.  No check up this month (behind on shots, remember?) so I'm guessing he is 17-18 lbs. Bennett appears to be a very average child with stats, slightly heavier than Trenton but very similar in length and head circumference (these are the things they measure each visit.)  He is loving, curious and simply a happy baby. He brings endless joy to all of us and reminds us of the innocence of a baby.  It is such a special feeling knowing he is completely dependent on you.  I'm cherishing it!

Some stuff Bennett now does:
1.  He chugs bottles, doesn't just drink them.  Didn't take long to get used to that bottle, huh?
2.  He gets so distracted nursing!  He wants to watch whatever is going on or whatever he hears.  So now I typically have to isolate us to get the feeding in.   Occasionally, I will pump and bottle it.
3.  He eats more solids.  Pears, apples, bananas, squash, sweet potatoes are the usual.  There are none likes really desires over the others.  It is still just a few bites of a fruit and vegetable.  We usually eat a 1/3 of a container at feeding, so not that much yet.  Apples are his least favorite.
4.  He doesn't go back to bed after the 6/7 am feeding anymore.  I've tried, but he's ready to play. It's such a happy time for him so it's really fun to watch and play with him.
5.  Naps around 8/9, again at 11/12 and then lastly 3/4......3 a day usually
6.  He has his 2 bottom teeth!

Here's the curiosity.  That sticker was on less than 10 seconds! 
 As the teething continues, everything finds its way to his mouth.
 Oh yeah!  Well, I can do it again!  Watch this!  (Love the effort on his face to pull it off!) 
 Bennett is getting longer.
 And I can find the sticker laying down!  I remember where you put it, Mommy!
 He is such a cutie pie! Petite features, just like T, with lots of cuddly chub.

......and a feet fetish!

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