Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Gingerbread Houses

The gingerbread house making event at Scottsdale Farms was better imagined in my mind.  It was extremely difficult to help Trenton with Bennett with us, and if the icing was on Trenton or you tried to scoop up the icing for him, he got frustrated and melted down.  That's always embarrassing.  He was determined to do it by himself and has a bit of a perfectionist in him.  He finally let me help somewhat, and I as much as I could balance with B in the bjorn, I squatted to assist in getting the graham crackers to stick.  Needless to say, our house was the best it could have been under the circumstances.  I think I'll choose to do this activity in the comfort of my house next year with an extra set of hands! :) 

On the other hand, Trenton did enjoy exploring the evergreen forest.  This must be where real boys belong.  He played in the rocks, ran amongst the trees, balanced across logs, and jumped back onto the ground.  I was definitely able to get some pictures of him having fun here!

 This was the one and only picture I was able to get of T making his gingerbread house.  I do have to say, it doesn't look nearly as pitiful in the picture as I remember it.  I think that's because 1.) All parts were still intact in this pic and 2.) The other children whose Mom's practically did it for them are not photographed as a comparison.  Theirs were iced completely with perfectly arranged candy patterns covering the entire house.  Yeah, not a chance!
 Get me outside and into the woods!  Pebbles and balance beams.....that's more like it, Mom! 

Look at that face!  Even when he stresses Mom out, he can still manage to smile his contagious smile and bring me back to reality. Who really cares about gingerbread houses?  It's just a fun day together!

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