Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bennett 7 Months

Bennett is such a happy 7 month old baby!  He weighs 17 lbs 13 oz, only 2 ounces more than Trenton did at this stage.  Here are some facts from this past month.
1.  He has 3 teeth.  The bottom two and a top incisor (so it's a fang right now!)
2.  He sits up on his own.
3.  Everything goes into his mouth.  Time to keep those little objects out of reach!
4.  He had his 3rd ear infection this month.  (Nothing major, I'm just documenting it for when I forget when he had them.)
5.  He recognizes faces from across the room, and lights up in joy as you approach him.
              Chewing to get those teeth through the gums!
 You don't have to keep reminding us Bennett of how handsome you are.   
 Love those huge belly-laughing smiles!
 Always kicking and squirming.  He'll probably be as active at T. 
 And he constantly rolls to his belly. 
But then he gets stuck like this.
You can see his fang on the top.
 Bennett really is such a sweet, easy going little guy!

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