Sunday, January 20, 2013

Playground Fun!

The boys gathered toys into their wagon, and we went to the playground while PaPaw and Daddy hooked up Apple TV.  It was a task that would be quicker and easier without the help of little T.  He didn't realize it was a scheme to get him out of the house luckily.  :)  Needless to say, we had the best time playing at the "castle" this cold, yet sunny day. You see, I am the princess and he is the knight to rescue me and my baby from the tower.  He has such an imagination!  It's one of his favorite games down at the playground.
 Let's roll, Momma!
 The look of innocence!  It won't be long before Bennett is climbing around and getting into mischief just like his brother!
 It was a good day for swinging. 
 And if you couldn't tell, he loved it!
This picture show Bennett's 3rd and 4th teeth well.  He got the bottom two, then his fangs on the top popped through.  You can see them.  The top middles are on their way, too.   
Trenton uses his imagination with his rope.  Who knew a rope could be so much fun?!

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