Thursday, January 10, 2013

Trenton's 3rd Birthday

Trenton had a super 3rd birthday! 
 He loves to blow candles out so we had a muffin morning celebration followed by a couple presents.
 Then we went to Legoland to explore and play.  Trenton ran around from toy to toy.  Bennett watched.  We tried to keep up with them. 
 T liked building the lego cars to race. 
 Ready, set, go!
 He also enjoyed building them on the shake table.
 as well as rolling around in the box of them. 
 But by the end of the day, he was tired. 
 We quickly grabbed lunch at Johnny Rockets.
 We had a little boy ready for his head to hit the pillow.
 He rested up for an evening of celebrating.  Opa came over when he got off work.
 Trenton got to open more presents.  He loved his V-Tech robot, plasma car, and balloon.
 Bennett, once again, thoroughly enjoyed all the activity.  His buddy Opa showed him everything!
 Granna tested out the plasma car with Trenton.
We ended the evening with pizza and a cookie cake.  What a fun day!

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