Saturday, February 2, 2013

Bennett 8 Months

Noon that day, we did B's 8 month pictures.  I love all his expressions and the mischief he gets into each time with his sticker.  Stats from this month are:
1.  He holds his own bottle.
2.  He doubled in teeth.  He now has 6.
3.  He sleeps 6 pm to 6 am.
4.  He eats a whole baby food container at a sitting, if not more.
5.  He claps in response to the word yay.
6.  His favorite activity is probably a bath with his brother, but following closely behind is playing with the remote.
 Sweet.                                                                           Excited. 
 Curious.                                                                       Innocent. 
 And play by play.......sticker on.
 Pulling it off.
 Crumbling it.
And laughing through it all.  Oh, Bennett!  I just love you!

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