Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mix of Pix on iphone

 And they said they copy you! 
 Morning play while we shower.
Valentine's weekend and our family dinner at Frontera.  We just pulled out the good ol' high chair cover.  Bennett loves restuarants and is good.  We are just constantly crawling under the table getting his toys he drops.  Thank goodness for a 3 year old to help!
 President's Day with the Warner kids at Catch Air.
 Even Bennett can do some things now.
 Our rolling and crawling king......he doesn't want to stay on his back long enough to even get his diaper changed.  Big brother to the rescue again.  He entertains him as much as possible to get the job done.  Destin tubes are also great toys!
 So this is what Trenton created during the children's sermon at church.  We saw him messing with his shoe but didn't realize a masterpiece was at work. 
 I really don't mind our furlough days.  It's more time with the boys.  We joined our friends The Spivas for a walk at the river.  Trenton and Hudson had a perfect view of a blue herring before it flew away.  It was a beautiful morning!
 Our Valentine's Day goodies....roses from a fabulous husband, homemade cards from the boys, and presents.
The latest and greatest play spot is Bennett's crib, at least to Trenton!

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