Friday, February 8, 2013

Quiet Play

Sick babies kept us home and inside this rainy Friday.  Trenton had so much fun building his habitat scene in his reuseable sticker book Aunt Carolyn gave him for Christmas.  We also took out our Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel game which he likes to play.Believe it or not, Trenton does like quiet play....just in moderation. :)  Overall, he is a typical active boy.
Trenton's clever mind decided to set the page up like Nemo.  He put the scuba diver down and then asked me for Nemo.  He then put Nemo right in the man's hands.  Looking at me, he told me,  "It's just like Nemo.  He's going to get him!  Ahh!"  I love his bright, active imagination!  He can connect things so well for a young child!   
Trenton enjoys showing off his color skills by playing this game.  It has also helped teach him to take turns, spin and memorize tasks, and concentration while using the squirrel tongs to pick up acorns.  Great purchase!

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