Sunday, March 24, 2013

48 Hours

It was a cold, rainy weekend.....again!  Nevertheless, it was full of good, memorable times.  From goofy and curious to serious and careful, I think we covered them all in the matter of 48 hours.  (Sorry that so many pictures have us in pjs--it's just easiest when you don't go outside!)
Trenton skated laps around the ottoman.  Bennett chased a balloon around staying out of his way! 
What happens when you store wrapping stuff in your 3 year old's closet and he isn't ready to go to bed?  Anything!  Trenton didn't want to go to bed this night and figured out a way to sneak out of his room. 
 Remember Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?  Well, as of this weekend, it is a new favorite interest.  He puts his sword in his shell and walks around. 
No way to get them both to look and smile at the camera in the same picture.  Haha--here's two photos!  Palm Sunday was special because the children get to wave palm leaves as they walk into church for the children's time.  Trenton always gets such a kick out of all the church's cute, fun activities, and he absolutely loves seeing us sitting in the pew when he walks in!  His faces lights up!  I'm so glad he loves Marietta First as much as we do!  If you are looking for a church home, please try it!
 And then they both look, and the lighting isn't that great on that side of the porch.  Oh well! 
 Of course the boys did not fall asleep on the drive home from church this Sunday.  Trenton grazes at the rain before digging into the pile of toys. 
 Bennett found a pompom.  Oh what fun!
 Cars can drive anywhere, don't ya know?
 Bennett is right there with Trenton these days.  He often messes things up for him but Trenton is learning to deal with it or go to a higher location.
We dyed Easter eggs once Bennett went to bed.
The secret is 2/3 cup water and a kool-aid packet.  Worked good for us!  As soon as you dropped them in, you could go back to the beginning and pick them up immediately.  No waiting for color to soak in.  Time is of essence with a 3 year old.  ( case you try it.  Yellow and pink should sit longer for color to be bolder, and purple looks black--don't know how to fix that one.)
 Trenton could dip them himself.
 And you know he was having a good ol' time by that silly face!
 He found these glasses in a drawer.  They were from an old Halloween costume.  He called himself a professor and danced around looking at himself in the mirror.
Momma's Pinterest Easter week lunch idea.  Each egg is filled with a different food.  (One is actually one of the hard boiled eggs we dyed.  Can you find it?)  We will see how he likes it, and if we continue it past Monday. :)

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