Friday, March 29, 2013

Dentist-2nd trip

Trenton received a stellar report from the dentist.  He was the easy going, enthusiastic patient all dentists want they claimed.  They were so amazed by his willingness to do anything and everything they asked and his curiosity about it all.  They asked if he was always like this, and my reply was, "Pretty much."  He told them his mom's camera wasn't as big as theirs during the x-rays when they took him back for pictures.  His charm and wit keeps everyone smiling.  It is such a blessing that Trenton is not needy and is one outgoing fellow since I have a 9 month year old to look after at the same time.  He is the opposite right now and seems to be experiencing a bit of separation anxiety. 

Recent 3 yr old dental I remember down the line for Bennett.  Trenton has moved on to fluoride toothpaste and has to spit.  (A little bummer to children who like to suck off the toothpaste before brushing!)  We could see his permanent teeth on the x-ray behind his baby teeth.  There was adequate spacing between teeth.  He had absolutely no plaque build up or cavities.  We'll continue flossing.   
What kid loves every moment at the dentist?  This kid!

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