Tuesday, March 12, 2013


 The boys keep me smiling.  Why is it that they always like to be under stuff and get into mischief?
 under the jumperoo......
 under the exersaucer....
Then Trenton wanted to create his own car wash.  He got the biggest kick out of washing his cozy coupe with a sponge and bucket of water.  Somehow he managed to find a Johnson and Johnson's travel size soap and used that to wash the car.  
I didn't think it could get better, but it did.  He later moved his car inside the garage and hid it behind mine.  I couldn't exactly see what he was doing.  So, as I got up to walk over to him, he said, "Don't see what I'm doing, Momma, don't see."  My curiosity increased.  I responded that I wouldn't be mad.  To that he said, "Oh, you won't be mad.  Ok, come see.  Here, here."  I rounded the car, and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a car with bubbles poured all over it.  The empty bottles were stationed next to the car.  He had poured all his bubbled on his car.  He apparently wanted more bubbles and found a solution to his own problem.

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