Friday, March 22, 2013


Storms were in our area.  Daddy was still at work, so when I heard the sirens and weather report that it was about to hit Marietta, we took up fort in the bathroom.  It wasn't as scary as before (I hadn't even grabbed the bicycle helmets.  You may laugh but they're supposed to be real safe!) because the meteorologist was not too intense, but nevertheless, I wasn't going to figure it out the hard way.  I told Trenton to grab some toys as I went upstairs to get the soundly sleeping baby out of his crib.  I came back to find Trenton with his pirate sword, a mixing bowl and pumpkin scoop.  :)  Luckily, the storms passed rather quickly, but the rest of the night Trenton kept wanting to go back into the bathroom.  He liked it in there.  Unfortunately, Bennett woke after 5 mins in the bathroom with a loud big brother, and then he was up for a good hour or two.....just a little disturbance in his sleeping schedule.  Haha!
Such a serious look.

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