Thursday, May 16, 2013


We traveled to Indiana for a long weekend with Kevin's extended family.  It was the first plane ride for Bennett and the first time seeing the relatives on that side of the family.  The boys were great even though they missed occassional naps due to traveling and stayed up past their bedtime to visit.  We are so glad we had this opportunity to see everyone!
Bennett on his first plane ride.  Our hands were a bit fuller this time.  :)  Chase and Trenton helped with the luggage.....not sure how much help they were, but they loved the cart!
 The indoor pool was a huge hit all weekend long!  Both boys like to splash and play in water.
Bennett didn't get much pool time last year, but it looks like he's going to absolutely love it this summer!
 Waiting to get on the airplane to head back home. 

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