Sunday, May 26, 2013

Riding Waves

It was definitely a fun packed Memorial Day weekend on the Crimson Commodore!  We crammed just about as many water activities you could in a matter of three days.  This time it was for the kid!  Trenton tubed and surfed like the previous two summers, but for the first time, he was up on skis!  He is one brave three year old!  He begged us to do it and then turned right around asking to surf after skiing.  Who could blame him?  He's been watching his daddy his whole life.  Bennett didn't quite know what to think about the ski boat.  The wind and water were alright, but that dang life vest was too much!  He spent most his time on the houseboat playing with the water table or crawling around. 
 Daddy's lake boys
 Hutch and Bennett liked the water table the most.
 Although the older kids had equal fun filling up and squirting water guns from it.
 Riley (5), Bennett (11 months), Hutch (17 months), Trenton (3)......Chase not pictured (4) 
 Yum!  So we all eat well on the houseboat!
Boating boys
 Ski boat time!  Trenton is excited about his ski run!
 No guts, no glory, ski Center Hill Lake!
 Surfing USA.....wakesurfing that is!
 Tube rides with the cousins.  Riley and Trenton love it and never want to stop. 
 That's the smile of a boy having fun!
 Doubling up so Chase can come join them tubing.
Trenton, Riley and Chase
This is why Trenton wants to do it all.  He's been watching this guy his whole life!  Go Daddy!
 Bennett is happy in his Daddy's arms!
 Big appetites for a fun day on the water!
 Daddy and Trenton play and evening game of Candy Land.....Trenton's rules. 
All the grandkids like to help PaPaw drive the houseboat.  Bennett got his first turn this summer.
 Looks like Bennett is in good hands!
 Playing games while cruising back to the dock.
A little backgammon anyone?  AKA roll the dice and stack the chips.

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