Sunday, June 23, 2013

Baby Pool In Our Backyard!

Sometimes it is easiest to play with water in our backyard.  Actually, lots of times it is.  We had a good time inflated with baby pool and playing with water and toys this afternoon.
 I think Trenton caught a big one!
 Both of the boys have been obsessed with this toy.  It's been weather well, but still works great!
 Trenton full of smiles and.....
 Bennett full of smiles.  (Just rarely in the same pic.  That would be too easy!  Haha!)
 Bennett starts thinking about all the fun Trenton is having with the water.  There's no way the hose every comes out without drinking from it.  I still remember doing that all the time as a kid myself.
 Yep, both love water!
 Team work!  Bennett was the net and Trenton the rod.  Together I'm sure they'll catch a fish! :)

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