Sunday, June 2, 2013

Bennett 12 Months

Bennett is one year old today!  I'm shocked the day is already here!  It all happened too fast....he's supposed to be my baby boy, right?  At least he will still cuddle and loves his Mommy!  From his well check he weighed 19 lb 10 oz (8%), measured 30 1/4 in (66%), and had 18 3/4 in (84%) for his head circumferenc.  He's a growing boy.  Some B-Boy facts.
1.  He really doesn't like real food yet.  Wants it, tries it, but it typically gags him.  We just managed to hold down rice rusks this week.
2.  He stands and balances really well but isn't quite walking.
3. He still has the bird hair and it's precious!
4.  He points to things he wants.
5.  You say bye and he crawls to the garage door and waves.  Guess that's our usual enter/exit door.  :)
 Our skinny, tall, big-headed 1 year old!  The picture shows it all nicely.  Haha!
Bennett proud to be 1 year old and done with these pictures.  Good bye stickers!

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